We are very sad to announce the death of our dear friend, Kevin Wright, on February 21, 2022.

The Funeral was on Thursday March 31, at the Bentley Crematorium 9.30 a.m.


He joined the Marlborough in 2018, becoming a Committee member, with special responsibilities for set design and build, and began transforming our barn scenery store at Padhams Green into a safe and practical place to work.

Along with my other colleagues George Churchill & Steve Bearpark, we spent many happy hours there with Kevin. I remember him teasing us about extended tea breaks (when tea HAD to be made in a teapot !).

I remember in visiting him at home, and almost always finding him surrounded by theatrical library books on staging, set design, lighting etc. He was always looking for fresh ideas, and enthusiastic about starting new productions – and I used to nickname him Mr. Motivator !

He shared his home, with his beloved dog and cat (Chloe & Lola respectively) who both came from a rescue sanctuary, and I always joked they were better fed than him !

When anyone was in need, he was a friend indeed, and I, for one, will always be grateful for his help and kindness.
When we lose a family member, friend or colleague, they always leave a gap, and the one left by Kevin will be incredibly difficult to fill.

God bless him.
Harry Morrison