NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN : You are cordially invited to attend the HUNDREDTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the club, which will be held in the Gwendolyn Lewis Room at SHENFIELD PARISH HALL, Hutton Road, Shenfield, CM15 8LB, on Tuesday, 22nd NOVEMBER 2022, at 8.00 p.m.

Please join us for a glass of wine and nibbles after the meeting.


1) Apologies for absence.

2)  To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on November 23, 2021

3) To receive, and if approved, adopt the statement of the Club’s Accounts

4) To elect an Honorary Treasurer.

5)  Chairmans Report:

6)  To elect 11 General Members to serve on the committee and to hold office until the next A.G.M., in accordance with rule 11.2.

  • In accordance with Rule 10, the Management of the Club is vested in a maximum Committee of 15 members, viz, Chairman,  Secretary, House Manager, Treasurer, and maximum of 11 general members.
  • The Chairman, Secretary, and House Manager retire annually, and are elected at a Committee Meeting preceding the A.G.M.
  • The election of the Treasurer & General Members of the Committee is by ballot at the A.G.M. (Rule 11.3).
  • General Members of the Committee retire each year at the A.G.M. and members at present serving,  if nominated in accordance with Rule 11.4, are eligible for re-election.
  • NOMINATIONS, proposed and seconded must be forwarded IN WRITING to reach the Chairman not later than November 15, 2022.

7)  To deal with any matter brought forward by the Committee.

8)  To receive any suggestions via members for the Committee’s consideration.